
Microsoft's new leadership still committed to Xbox? Absolutely

Microsoft has had a recent alteration with its leadership, namely Satya Nadella replacing Steve Ballmer to caput up the massive company. According to a Polygon study and opposite to rumour, the company is yet focused on supporting Xbox and pushing the video game console in numerous markets. Phil Spencer from Microsoft Game Studios states the dedication to Xbox at Microsoft has non inverse.

But this shouldn't come equally a surprise. While Microsoft's internal development teams and studios aren't actually involved in decisions surrounding Xbox as a whole, Spencer noted how they've received strong support from direction. Spencer spoke virtually Xbox in his SXSW (South past Due south West) gaming panel:

"In a funny fashion, our job is to create bully games on Xbox, on Windows, on Windows Phone, and the stuff that happens above the studios is kind of just 'stuff' to a lot of the studios, which I call up is the right way. They're all the same driven by the artistic juices inside the studios to make great things happen. In terms of Microsoft's delivery in the space, I know both Satya and Stephen Elop, I know them well. I've had explicit conversations with them about Microsoft's commitment to Xbox – they're extremely committed to Xbox."

Xbox itself is an important make for Microsoft, which has been built upwards from the original console launch back in 2001. The visitor is also looking to kick off a new global marketing campaign to ameliorate focus on 1 strategy. With the Xbox One console receiving more titles from partner studios, Windows Phone viii.1 just around the corner and the deal with Nokia endmost upwardly, 2022 is a strong twelvemonth for Microsoft and Xbox will be there for the foreseeable future. Call back three screens. Windows, Windows Phone and Xbox.

Did anyone honestly believe Microsoft would abandon or alter its plans for Xbox with the leadership change? Allow us know your thoughts in the comments.

Source: Polygon


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